Goldman and BlackRock: an informal chat

Goldman and BlackRock: an informal chat

Wednesday, November 11, 2020 2:35 PM to 3:15 PM · 40 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
SDG 1 - No povertySDG 8 - Decent work and economic growthSDG 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructureSDG 10 - Reduced inequalities


What works, and what does not work, in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing? Before the pandemic, investors were focused very much on climate change, the E of ESG; now with the crisis, there comes the focus on S. Indeed, this year companies with a strong corporate culture, good customer relations and resilient supply chains fared better than others. However, the challenges to quantify and attribute impact in ESG are huge. An informal chat between two heads of two world's largest investment management companies, BlackRock and Goldman Sachs, will explore ASG's transition to adopt a broader sense of responsible investing.

ENGLISH (traducción simultánea a Español disponible)

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