Rebuilding the Public Sector to Boost the Impact Economy

Rebuilding the Public Sector to Boost the Impact Economy

Thursday, November 12, 2020 4:50 PM to 5:10 PM · 20 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Inspirational Talk
SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growthSDG 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructureSDG 10 - Reduced inequalitiesSDG 11 - Sustainable cities and communitiesSDG 12 - Responsible consumption and productionSDG 16 - Piece, justice and strong institutionsSDG 17 - Partnerships for the goals


In his aim to discover, design and develop the institutional ‘dark matter’, Indy Johar claims the role of cities and what he calls the ‘boring revolution’. Governments restoring and enabling the transition of societies in response to technological revolution and climate breakdown through  decentralised, smart contracts, distributed and democratic participation. The questions are around collective impact: What does need to change through policy and regulation, finance and data, governance and organisational culture? How to fund systemic change, financial models, global collaborative infrastructure and how to create data and AI at the service of social good?

ENGLISH (traducción simultánea a Español disponible)

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