Big Mind: Collective Intelligence

Big Mind: Collective Intelligence

Thursday, November 12, 2020 4:29 PM to 4:50 PM · 21 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growthSDG 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructureSDG 10 - Reduced inequalitiesSDG 11 - Sustainable cities and communitiesSDG 12 - Responsible consumption and productionSDG 16 - Piece, justice and strong institutionsSDG 17 - Partnerships for the goals


 This is a call to action for citizens and representatives of all sectors to value the wisdom of crowds and build network organisations that can walk the talk and influence public and private sectors to prioritize the rights and dignity of all human beings. In search of dialogue and trust building between institutions, authorities and impact investors, Geoff Mulgan will empower citizens to create opportunities for all and challenge the new leaders. From mapping job opportunities to improving air quality, the tools and approaches needed to solve pressing problems are not being utilized to their full potential, but one day will seem like common sense

ENGLISH (traducción simultánea a Español disponible)

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